cindy woods passed away yesterday. i never met her in person. so, i can't say that i knew her well. we corresponded frequently though. we both like science fiction. we have at least a dozen favorite artists in common. and drawing... well, simply put, cindy won my friendship quickly.
what i love about cindy's artwork is (1) its honesty and (2) its compassion. you can see lots of it on this website and even more on flickr and cindy's blog, learning daily. it is obvious in her drawings and her words that cindy's heart was enormous. the world's a better place for having held her and little sadder to have let her go.
I only corresponded with Cindy once or twice, and I still feel like I know her and have a deep affection for her.
This portrait is beautiful, and what you wrote is too.
Oh, SO beautiful. What a wonderful drawing of her. Thank you so much!
Such a nice portrait, and so nice that you show her separated from her chair.
Thanks Rama. I know she always spoke very highly of you too. We're all going to miss Cindy so much.
Well done. What a wonderful tribute. I will miss her so much.
This is a beautiful portrait of a remarkable lady. Thank you so much for posting it and letting us see it. And Chris is right, how nice to see just Cindy - no chair - just Cindy.
Beautiful, indeed. The hands---you really got her hands.
Rama, I almost can't believe that you have never met Cindy - and this shows what a gifted artist that you are - you captured her spirit so beautifully. Especially in her hands and her eyes.
Cindy and I loved firefly too...
Wonderful portrait, Rama. Thank you for posting it. We'll miss Cindy a lot...
What a beautiful portrait--you really captured her spirit...lovely tribute.
What a beautiful tribute.
Lovely homage, Rama.
Meeting Cindy Woods only posthumously through the public tributes of friends on blogs like Laurelines, on her own blog, and now here, I am struck by how powerful portraits are in not only documenting, but somehow distilling, a life so it can be glimpsed by others. What lovely testaments.
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