in honor of the date, 8/8/8, i will trade portraits with the first person who completes eight portrait swaps in the eight different methods listed here:
one-minute portrait: each partner draws the best portrait that she can in sixty seconds.
continuous line portrait: each partner draws a portrait without lifting his pencil off the paper.
blind contour portrait: each partner draws a portrait without looking at his drawings.
ambidextrous portrait: each partner switches hands to draw her partner. (if you are right-handed, draw with your left hand. if you are left-handed, vicey-verse it.)
upside-down portrait: each partner draws an upside-down portrait of his right-side up partner.
tonal portrait: each partner draws the tones of their partner's face, not necessarily the lines or the features.
eight-minute portrait: each partner draw the best portrait that they can in eight minutes.
mnemonic portrait: each partner draws a portrait of their partner from memory.
here's the legalese: a portrait swap means that the contestant draws a portrait of his partner and the partner draws a portrait of the contestant. swaps will not qualify for the contest until BOTH portraits are submitted to the site. click here to share your portraits. to win this contest, a swap must be done in each of the eight methods listed above. the contest is over as soon as a contestant submits all eight swaps. if two people complete all eight swaps together and are the first contestants to submit all eight swaps, i will trade portraits with both winners. when the winner or winners are announced, i will contact you about trading portraits. when our swap is complete, i will mail the portrait(s) to your favorite address.