i am pleased to announce that kerstin klein is the winner of the portrait party scavenger hunt. kerstin was the runner-up in the first portrait party contest but, with an actual factual portrait party, she sniped the scavenger hunt from jennifer m. lee.
I´ve been wanting to exchange portraits with you so badly. And I wasn´t very happy when I didn´t find the time to join this contest.
And now I´ve made it!!! Woo hoo!
What a wonderful way to start 2008.
I guess you made my year! :)
i'm excited to swap portraits with you also, kerstin! you can find a bunch of pictures of me right here. i found a few of you on flickr already but, if you want to post some more, please do. as soon as both of our portraits are done, i'll post them on the portrait party and mail the original to germany.
p.s., jennifer deserves congratulations also. i hope you'll compete in the next contest also, jennifer!
here are most of my pics: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ksklein/sets/72157600186998222/
i don´t have that many, as i´m usually the one who takes them. in case you don´t find any among them you like, just let me know and i can send you some new ones next week. i just need to wait for my husband to come back from his trip. :)
hi rama, i just wanted to let you know that it will take me a week or two to find time for the portrait.
oh, that's okay, kerstin. i think jeannette took a month or two to do hers. i'm in no hurry. just have fun.
great. thanks!
:) http://kerstinsklein.blogspot.com/2008/05/real-rama-hughes.html
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